Character Rig Cinema 4d Minecraft Walking ((INSTALL))
so I have this rigged character that I have downloaded from Mixamo, with a walking animation. I would like to turn it into a statue of sorts, frozen in frame 10. I can accomplish this by manually deleting every single keyframe for every bone, but still if I join it with another mesh it will be distorted beyond repair.
An example of mixing might be something like a hand-waving animation. You might want to make the hand wave either when the character is idle or when it is walking. Without animation mixing you would have to create separate hand waving animations for the idle and walking states. However, if you add the shoulder transform as a mixing transform to the hand waving animation, the hand waving animation will have full control only from the shoulder joint to the hand. Since the rest of the body will not be affected by the hand-waving, it will continue playing the idle or walk animation. Consequently, only the one animation is needed to make the hand wave while the rest of the body is using the idle or walk animation.
Suppose you want to create a character that leans to the sides as it turns while walking and running. This leads to four combinations (walk-lean-left, walk-lean-right, run-lean-left, run-lean-right), each of which needs an animation. Creating a separate animation for each combination clearly leads to a lot of extra work even in this simple case but the number of combinations increases dramatically with each additional action. Fortunately additive animation and mixing avoids the need to produce separate animations for combinations of simple movements. 2b1af7f3a8