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The Black Witch Chronicles is an ambitious fantasy book. This is not the first of its kind, and many have been made, but it is one of the best. The story has its flaws, but the author does an incredible job of making you feel the emotions of the characters. Every page practically carries such a heavy weight, you want to feel the battle on every page, because you know something horrible is going to happen! The story is set in the modern world, in a time where witch hunting is a major part of the world, and many live in fear that the children will turn out to be witches. This is a story where a group of people, do what is right, and the wrong people come out with their hands out, and a very powerful witch is behind it all. This is a story for everyone. It has a great premise, and takes a very unique approach to the story. The characters all have very distinct personalities, and we can all relate to them. I loved the antagonist in this story, because she was such a different type of villain. The story is really well-written, and it makes you feel the emotions of the characters. I enjoyed every minute of this book, and I cannot wait for the next book in the series! 827ec27edc