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The CompPASS Community Petascale Project for Accelerator Science and Simulation (ComPASS) is developing a comprehensive set of interoperable components for beam dynamics, electromagnetics, electron cooling, and laser/plasma acceleration modeling. The ComPASS vision is to deliver to accelerator scientists a virtual accelerator and virtual prototyping modeling environment, with the necessary multiphysics, multiscale capabilities. The plan for this development includes delivering accelerator modeling applications appropriate for each stage of the ComPASS software evolution. These applications are being developed in collaboration with accelerator scientists at the Department of Energy’s Idaho National Laboratory. The ComPASS application examples include the following:
Particle accelerator modeling, design, and prototyping.
Robust treatment of particle accelerators and accelerator R&D experiments
Organisation theory and behaviour are the study of how individuals or groups or subgroups of people interacts to achieve common organizational goals. The goal of the study of organization theory and behaviour is to increase knowledge of human behaviour in organizations and to help practitioners to understand and control human behaviour in their organizations. These in turn can help the organizations to achieve their organizational goals.
The study also investigated the impact of employee individual innovative behavior on organizational attractiveness and SA. The findings revealed that individual innovative behavior was positively correlated with organizational attractiveness ( = 0.42) and SA ( = 0.31). However, no direct relationship between employee individual innovative behavior and organizational attractiveness or SA was found.
Organisation behaviour is the collective set of actions that an organization performs for its own benefit. If the performance of the organisation is good, then its performance will be good. The study of organisational behaviour is the collective study of the way in which the members of an organisation interact with each other to achieve the organisation’s goals. The field of organisation behavior is the study of the interdependent relationship of individual actions with the society and the organisation.
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