Weight Watchers Points Plus J Alexanders
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Main Outcomes and Measures The primary end point was percentage change in body weight, and confirmatory secondary end points were achievement of 10% or more, 15% or more, and 20% or more weight loss, assessed for semaglutide vs liraglutide at week 68. Semaglutide vs liraglutide comparisons were open-label, with active treatment groups double-blinded against matched placebo groups. Comparisons of active treatments vs pooled placebo were supportive secondary end points.
I have been going to weight watchers and slimming world in the past which fruit is no points/sins. I love fruit and I consume at least 7 portions a day but not shifting weight like I feel I should. Which is annoying because I do everything by the book. Then I get told I eat to much fruit. Reading this makes me realise why. I do get bloated but not always. I will try cutting it down to 2 portions and maybe snack add some vegetables as I usually only have 1-2 a day. Thank you for this article it defiantly makes me realise why I may not be losing the weight.
hello Lily, I have been operated for right manibule cancer and two ganglion on the right side of the neck in august 2014. I am not able to swollow whole foods. I have lost all my fat. So I started to pump iron to put on some weight. I ve been eatting smoothies that contain 1 banana, 1 kiwi, 1 avacado, spinach, frozen berries, pumpkin seeds, nuts, and use powder proteins Now I got a juicer and juicing my vegis and drink one cup of this vegi juice plus my smoothie, I would like to know how much of the vegi juice should I drink? Thankyou in advance. Pierre ?
Thanks for the great read.I can relate to many points above. . I recently began a journey to loose weight believing I need to eat lots of fruit. Which I did and have been doing. Once reading this article I can now see I need to cut back.
Hi I drink lots of hot water with lemon, as well as loads of fruit! I will cut fruit right down as doing intermittent fasting with what I Thought a really healthy diet but not losing any weight. I exercise at least twice a day too (swim and gym) plus walking 7 miles. As I said I am going to cut down to 2 portions a day but should I cut down on lemon in water?
I wonder if vinegar or something I am eating in this plan is causing inflammation or irritation to my body. I have arthritis in my knees and feet and eating this way has helped my pain a small amount. I don't overeat. I also document my foods (vegetables, oatmeal, fruit, nuts and salad dressings) in Weight Watchers and I don't even come close to eating my daily points. I am happy for everyone here losing weight but I am feeling sorry for myself. I don't know what to do or who to talk too. I can't afford the more costly membership.
I actually still have the entire ww diet from 1991-92 when ww was promoting their super start diet which were lists of meals one would chose from over the course of the week. During that time, I worked for ww as a ww leader and also have the entire manual explaining this diet in every detail. It was a great diet and allowed people to get a large weight loss the first week hence it's name, super start. If you need info on this particular weight watchers diet please feel free to contact me at my email adress. ;) lisa
I loved this program,the new ones points plus,freestyle.do not work for me,I still have some of the material,but not what I am looking for.When I did the original plan I lost 38pds,went to meetings every week never gained a pound,kept it of for many years,but I am at a brick wall and not losing any weight,I stopped going to meetngs paying every week.
I have taken pictures of my original Weight Watchers Food Lists and also have it in one PDF file. Don't know how to publish it here, but wanted to let others who are looking for it know that I can provide a copy to them. In the 90's I lost 50 lbs on the plan, and since there was no confusing points system and I was using my own food, it was not considered a diet and I kept the weight off for over 12 years. It is only recently that I am now 20 lbs over my target and am going back to this plan, or as I like to call it this 'Lifestyle' of eating so that I can feel good about myself and my body once again.
Hi Kristina can you send me the weight watchers pdf please. I hope it's the one I'm looking for and have been for a few years. Carbs protein veg etc. I lost 4 stone on that and when it changed to the points system I just couldn't get in to the swing of it. I have recently had an hysterectomy and need to shed some weight. My email is karen.h.1@hotmail.co.uk
Hi Kristina, Do you still have the pdf of the weight watchers still. I am desperate. The point system didn't work I have gained back the 50Lbs I had lost back in the early 90's. Jenn-ntreegn@yahoo.com
Hi Kristina - I completely agree with you about liking the old plan better. I lost 43 lbs on it just a few years ago. While I have gone back for the meetings and because I gained 31 of the pounds back (3 life crises in 3 years + got lazy), I just find the points thing too complicated, so I use the meetings for support. Lifestyle eating is a good way to put it. Impressive that you kept the weight off for 12 years!
Hi there, I am looking for the quick-start plus booklets. I was on this plan and it worked great for me since I need something very strict to follow. After years of doing this I was able to monitor what I ate. Then after my last child I am not able to get to lose the weight and I just continue to gain. I have been looking for years to get this so I am hoping that this site will help.Thanks. Tikane48@gmail.com
Hi Kristina, could you please forward me the original WW PDF. I lost weight on both the original and the points plus plans but I think the original plan has the structure I need to get back on track.
Hi I am looking for a copy of weight watchers week 1 from 1991? My email is sandejaime@yahoo.com. Unfortunately, I have lost mine and I really liked that plan. Would you be able to provide me with just week1 from 1991?
Hate points, cannot lose weight, cannot stay on. I always have to look up every point for every food. I got to goal years ago and lost 100 lbs.15 years later I put 35 lbs. back on and am struggling to get it off. So glad I found this website and friends who feel like me. Thank you so much. I want the old plan and meetings in church basements brought back. Keep the old plan in those new centers for those who can use it and please give us back the old way. Those basements were jammed with people and all of us had good weight losses, too. There were not any maintenance meetings and I think there should be even if only once a month. Please do this for us!!! Thank you.
I agree with you completely, JoAnna. The points system gives people freedom but that freedom means they may never understand the importance of getting calories that provide minerals and vitamins. (Me, I ate all sorts of treats at first and weight loss was slow and I was always hungry. Once I gave up on that and started eating better food, I lost weight more quickly but I don't really think I needed to lose all of the time in the learning curve.) Also, current research is showing that having 1 sweet per day with breakfast correlates with higher weight loss over time and that weight stays off better. So don't feel like you have to completely deprive yourself of sweets.
As I recall, in the 70s, prior to their point and/or exchange system, the list of restricted veggies included starchy ones, such as peas, corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, all legumes, yellow squash including pumpkin, beets. onion (too much sugar in them, I guess) Don't know why carrots, brussels sprouts, tomato, eggplant, green beans, scallions, okra were on the restricted list. Very low in calories, and carbs in general. The diet to be followed by diabetics is very similar to the WW program that I was on then. Also, doctors treating my diabetes have stated that if someone eats more veggies, and fruit, and less meat, it will be good for the diabetes, as well as shedding weight. For anyone who is a bit (or a lot) obsessive compulsive, any program that encourages one to count points is likely to make for an obsessive attitude about food in general, and also encourages the person trying to lose weight to focus on food more and more. I venture to say that about 80% of dieters have that affliction, and are unable to successfully lose the weight and keep it off. I have tried all of the programs, and find myself now, once again quite overweight, and trying to focus on healthy servings, and healthy choices, not the light at the non-existent end of the tunnel. Because there is no end to the need to eat healthy. Once those adipose tissues get small, they are simply waiting to get filled up again. Hence the yo-yo effect.
Thanks for your comment, Kathie! I agree with you that it isn't very helpful to have to obsess over points and to focus on food in an unhealthy way. That is one reason i think this particular diet is one that can actually help you re-think how you eat, adjust it, and move forward in a healthy way. I'm sorry the weight came back; I absolutely hate that! Good luck to you in your newest move to improving your health and lifestyle. You can do it! Please keep me posted!
I thank you for confirming what I remembered of the original plan. When my doctor said my blood sugar was getting too high (and if I didn't lose weight I would definitely be diabetic) I immediately went on my remembered weight watchers plan from the 1960's. I dropped weight and my blood sugar dropped too. After visiting the dietitian/diabetes counselor I loosened up, and stopped losing weight. This gives me the confidence to go back on the plan and lose those extra pounds. Thanks again.
The food exchanges plan was the very bestest! I joined WW in 1982, lost weight, kept it off and became a WW leader. I sure wish I had all my program booklets. I went back to WW in 2010ish and all they talked about was how many chocolate kisses they could eat for all their daily points. Geeeeeeeeze! Does anyone have the extra booklets that spoke to out to eat??? 2b1af7f3a8